воскресенье, 4 июля 2010 г.

Is your journalism ethical? Take the test

If the content you produce pushes an agenda, spins a line, favours a sector of society, or has a desired outcome, you are producing public relations copy or propaganda. Real journalism is based on editorial ethics that permeate all we do. So, do you pass the test?

Ten questions to ask yourself

What is my journalistic purpose?
What is my personal motivation?
How can I include others with different perspectives and diverse ideas?
Do I include, in equal measure, perspectives I disagree with?
Who are the stakeholders and what are their motivations?
What if the roles were reversed? How would I feel?
Have I got my own preferred outcome – an agenda?
What are the possible consequences of my actions - short and long term?
What are my alternatives to maximise my truth-telling responsibility and minimise harm?
Am I able to justify my thinking and my decisions to my colleagues, to the stakeholders and to the public?

Six rules for getting it right

Seek truth and report it as fully as possible – eyes wide open
Act independently – owe nobody and don’t seek favours or favourites
Minimise harm – had it not been for you, the world would never know
Assess all facts – don’t ignore the uncomfortable, or that which goes against your script
Independent sources – don’t follow the flock, find fresh voices and perspectives.
Thoroughly check the validity of information – take nothing at face value.

Owe nobody and don’t seek favours or favourites

Seven attitudes of mind

Be honest, fair, and courageous in gathering and reporting
Give voice to the voiceless and hold the powerful accountable
Guard vigorously the role a free press plays in an open society
Seek out and disseminate competing perspectives
Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise
Be compassionate for those affected by your actions
Treat all with respect, not as means to your journalistic end.

Give voice to the voiceless and hold the powerful accountable

A dozen rules on accuracy

All work must be well-sourced

Based on sound evidence

Thoroughly tested

Presented in clear, precise language

Avoiding unfounded speculation

Accuracy is more important than speed

All the relevant facts and information should be weighed to get to the truth 

If an issue is controversial, relevant opinions as well as facts may need to be considered

Gather material using first-hand sources wherever possible

Check and cross-check the facts

Validate the authenticity of documentary evidence and digital material

Corroborate claims and allegations made.

Six tips on impartiality and diversity of opinion

Strive to reflect a wide range of opinion

Be prepared to explore a range of conflicting views
No significant strand of thought should be un reflected or under-represented
Exercise your editorial freedom to produce content about any subject, at any point on the spectrum of debate as long as there are good editorial reasons for doing so
Ensure to avoid bias or an imbalance of views on all issues, particularly controversial subjects
You will sometimes need to report on issues that may cause serious offence to many. You must be sure that a clear public interest outweighs the possible offence.


Be open, honest and straightforward in dealing with contributors, unless there is a clear public interest in doing otherwise. Where allegations are being made, the individuals or organisations concerned should normally have the right of reply. 


It is essential in order to exercise your rights of freedom of expression and information that you work within a framework which respects an individual's privacy and treats them fairly, while investigating and establishing matters which it is in the public interest to reveal.


Always remain independent of both state and partisan interests. Never endorse or appear to endorse any organisations, products, activities or services. 


Accept information from any source, but know you will need to make a personal decision as to which information is worth considering and which is not. 

Sources must always be checked, especially when dealing with first-time sources that have never been used before.
It is important to protect sources that do not wish to be named.
The public interest test
Exposing or detecting crime
Highlighting significant anti-social behaviour, corruption or injustice
Disclosing significant incompetence or negligence
Uncovering information that allows people to make more informed decisions about matters of public importance
Protecting the health and safety of the public
Preventing the public from being misled
Protecting issues of freedom of expression.

David Brewer

The author of this piece, David Brewer, is a journalist and media strategy consultant who set up and runs this site, Media Helping Media. He delivers media strategy training and consultancy services worldwide and his business details are at Media Ideas International Ltd. He tweets @helpingmedia.


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